
Exploring Acrylic Paint

Welcome to my chosen medium, acrylic paint. As I previously discussed I have left my yarn behind (for the time being) to explore a new passion of mine which is painting.

I have chosen acrylic because I like how versatile it can be, how quickly it can dry and how easy it is to clean up. I have decided to start my journey by watching tutorials on YouTube.

The following is some of my work to date.

Sunset landscape, tutorial courtesy of Katie Jobling.

I have done a sunset landscape by following a tutorial courtesy of Katie Jobling Art. She has very good instructional and inspirational videos.

Peony in acrylic, tutorial courtesy of Katie Jobling.

This peony is another tutorial from Katie Jobling. I love YouTube tutorials because you can pause, rewind and skip ahead. It really helped me find my flow.

I built up my confindence and tried one all on my own.

Poppies in acrylic, tutorial courtesy of Katie Jobling.

These poppies, painted on a 5 by 7 inch board, are an original creation.

I am planning on continuing with acrylic to expand my skills. I look forward to experimenting with mixing different mediums with the paint and playing with texture.

Until next time, take care!

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